Wednesday, 4 June 2014

New Clay Model

This did not turn out anywhere as well as I had hoped, but I have created a clay model of my new model. It is exactly 1:100 as that is what I focused on while modelling my dwelling. I have made it to scale by modelling each separate piece to scale and then put it together after that. Unfortunately while it was drying, finer parts of the model began to droop and thus are not aesthetically appeasing or look like my model. I also think that putting my clay model on a plate that I wasn't completely flat was not the smartest move as it has set with the entranceway of my dwelling being ever so slightly higher that the rest of the house due to the curvature in the plate. Anyway, I have now have an analogue scale model which I briefly conducted light studies on but have run out of time to make it more thorough..

This and the following images are experimenting by flashing a torch to try and create shadows from my curvature walls. 

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